A joint meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences and the Board of the State Statistics Service took place on which the draft program of the second all-Ukrainian population census was considered.
The discussion stressed that for today population censuses have no alternative and provide the fullest (and for some indicators the only) source of information on a population. According to the established United Nations practice censuses in the majority countries of the world are held every ten years. UN General Assembly in 2005 adopted a resolution to hold the next round of censuses in 2006-2014.
The significance of a census primarily is determined by that it specifies the number and quality of a population and its distribution in the country. To that a census plays an extremely important role for complete and accurate information on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population needed to manage all spheres of society, formation of national strategy development, construction of demographic projections, etc. Data collected during the census is the basis for the planning of development and financing of social services and infrastructure for the goals of fiscal policy at both the national regional level.
The program of the census considered was shaped in accordance with Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On population census", as well as relevant international guidelines and provides information about the composition and kinship of household members, gender, age of respondents, date and place of birth, marital status, ethnic and linguistic characteristics, nationality, educational level, sources of livelihood, employment, migration activity, living conditions of the population.
By the results of the discussion the program of the second all-Ukrainian census was approved unanimously.
Press Service of State Statistics Services of Ukraine