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Methodological issues

    In most countries during national population censuses one usually conforms to such methodological and organizational principles which are stipulated by law as principal for the all-Ukrainian population census (hereinafter the Census):

  • population censuses should be conducted on a regular basis and at regular intervals;
  • to ensure the completeness and quality of data the population census should cover all respondents without exception that are subject to the survey, thus it should be universal;
  • obtaining data from respondents at a single set time provides synchroneity of the Census;
  • during the census some qualitative characteristics of respondents, such as gender, age, educational level, nationality, language signs, marital status and so on are registered. This ensures the unity of the Census program, as well as methods of its conduct and processing of results ;
  • personification of primary census data;
  • self-determination of respondents to the answers on the program questions;
  • primary personal census data is confidential information that is protected by law;
  • the main organizing principle of its implementation is a centralized management and coordination of all activities related to the preparation and conduct of the survey, as well as processing, compilation, dissemination and use of its results.

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