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The aim of the Census

   A general aim of the census in any country in the world is the same and includes obtaining data on the size, composition and distribution of the population. Some features of this demographic and social observation are quite common in different countries.

    Results of censuses are the basis for many political, economic, socio-economic investigations. Any serious research cannot do without population census data. In an inter-census period based on census data annually the population and its composition by gender, age and other indicators are determined.

   The objective of the census is to obtain an objective information about the changes that took place in the socio-economic life and structure of the country since the previous census; to create the information base of demographic and socio-economic data about the population, its distribution by age, gender, nationality, language signs, family composition, citizenship, education, sources of livelihood, occupation, migratory activity, living conditions and so on both for the country as the whole and all its administrative and territorial divisions.

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